To submit an electronic absence excuse note, simply click the following folder below, complete and submit the form:
“Attention families: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that a school with certain exceptions obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s education records. However, a school may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written consent, unless you have advised the school to the contrary in accordance with school district procedures.
Parents who wish to opt their students out of directory information releases must complete an Opt-Out Form for each of their students, and must return each form to the school at which each student is enrolled by December 13, 2024.
Find more information, including the forms you need HERE
Lewis Elkin Elementary School 2024-2025 School Improvement Plan
Lewis Elkin School [5260] 2024-2025 School Improvement Plan
Click HERE to access the School Improvement Plan feedback form.
Is your child ready for school?
The following items are documents needed for registration:
* Proof of child’s date of birth (birth certificate, court document, or passport)
* Child’s health insurance card;
Proof of Philadelphia address in the primary parent’s/guardian’s name
* Current state or federal photo ID of the primary parent/guardian;
* Eight current and consecutive weeks of gross income received by the primary parent/guardian, secondary parent/guardian, and all children;
* Recent Dental form completed by your child’s dentist; and
Completed Physical exam form completed by the child’s doctor.*
The following items are documents needed for registration:
* Two (2) documents showing your address. Examples of this could be a lease, deed or utility bills with your name and the address in which you reside
* Proof of your student’s age. Examples of this include birth or baptismal certificate, medical records with students date of birth
* Shot (Immunization) Records. Obtain this from your child’s physician if you don’t have a copy already
* To be eligible for kindergarten, students must be 5 years old on or before Sept. 1, 2018.
* If more info required please come to the main office
Home & School Association
At Lewis Elkin we believe parental involvement is truly critical in the success of our children. We strongly encourage active parental participation. Meetings are held throughout the year where you can share your ideas and have your voices heard. Become a member of the Elkin Home & School Association today. If you are interested in joining, please contact the school at 215-291-4701.
Information to enroll your Kindergarten student
Code of Student Conduct
Find out about acceptable behaviors listed in the School District Of Philadelphia Code of Student Conduct.
Important Forms
Child Admission Application to School – Complete this form when admitting a student to a school.
Parental Permission Form – Complete this form when a student leaves the school building on a school trip.
– Complete this form as an emergency contact for your child
School District Policy: “Every elementary classroom teacher will require regularly
assigned homework based upon classroom instruction no less than four times a week; … Because
homework is an important part of the instructional program, failure to submit homework will be
reflected in the student’s grade.” The purpose of homework is to:
-Strengthen basic skills
-Reinforce study habits
-Extend classroom learning
-Develop initiative, responsibility, and self-direction
-Stimulate independent thinking
-Increase range and scope of interests
-Foster worthwhile use of leisure time
Extracurricular Activities
There are many extracurricular activities that have taken place at Elkin School throughout the years, including the Waterford Reading Club, Yearbook/Art Club, Math 24 Club, Cheerleading Club, Safety Patrol, Chess Club, Computer Coding Club and Student Council. Please encourage your child to get involved in any current extracurricular activities. These EC clubs usually meet after school once a week for about an hour. If they are available this year and you are interested in getting started, simply show interest and speak with your child’s teacher.
Admit & Arrival
At 8:05 A.M., the stairwell 1 breakfast door (D st.) will be opened for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students only.
At 8:15 A.M., the LSH Entrance Gate located on Rorer Street will be opened for Kindergarten students only.
Lewis Elkin has adopted a universal breakfast program which studies show could have a positive impact on students’ academic performance, cognitive function, health, and overall well-being.
When students arrive late they will be directed to receive a “grab and go” breakfast from cafeteria staff.Late Arrival for Students
LSH Students
LSH students will continue to enter through the Rorer Street Door until 8:30 am.
LSH Students will enter through Main Building “Breakfast Door” (Stairwell 1) entrance located on “D” Street after 8:30 am
At 8:45 the breakfast door will be closed
All “LATE”students will enter through the main office entrance after 8:45 am.
Late students will be given a “grab and go” breakfast to eat in class.
Main Building Students
Main building students will enter through the “Breakfast Door” (Stairwell 1) until 8:45 am. Students will transition to class.
Breakfast door will be closed at 8:45am.
All “LATE”students will enter through the main office entrance after 8:45am. .
Main building students will transition to class independently after receiving late slip
Morning Transition
At 8:15AM all staff members should be in place for morning student arrival.
Teachers will have assigned lines in the gym/cafeteria corresponding to their home rooms.
LUNCHEarly Dismissal
As per SDP policy, no child may leave the school building during school hours unless they are accompanied by one of their own parents (not someone else’s parents).
In the case of an early dismissal, students cannot be sent to the office to wait. Students must remain with their class until the office calls for them on the arrival of the family member.
Students should begin to pack up no earlier than 2:40PM.
At 2:30PM, the Principal will deliver brief end-of-day announcements after which classes may begin dismissing.
Classes will dismiss to the appropriate exit door (see Appendix).
No student is to be left unsupervised in a classroom.
Late Pick-Up
Any student not picked up shortly after dismissal time should be escorted to the LSH Cafeteria.
A member of the School Climate Staff will monitor students during this time.
Inclement Weather Admit and Dismissal
A determination will be made at 2:30 by Administration
Classes WILL NOT GO OUTSIDE in case inclement weather, parents will come in
Kindergarten– LSH cafeteria (parents enter in yard, exit from Ramp)
1st/2nd– Gym (parents enter door closest to yard, exit other set of gym doors)
3rd/4th– Walk down stairs, dropping off any students who walk by themselves at ground floor exits, proceed to Cafeteria (parents enter Door 3, exit CD doors)Emergency Early School Closing
Students will report directly home or to the designated site specified by the parent on the emergency closing forms.
Parental Involvement
Parental involvement is one of the key factors in student success. Ask your child to share with you what they learned each day.
School Parent & Family Compact
Parent and Family Engagement Policy